Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Business of Helping

The past week and a half have been full of learning, mostly about things they just don’t teach us in Graduate school – and how could “they” have? This was 16 years ago, there was barely anything called “the internet” in those days. Things are so different so I have to adapt. I am in a program called Business School Bootcamp – a two week intensive on getting a private practice up and running successfully. Is it all about making gobs of money? No, although it is about value – the value of what I provide and the value a potential client places on getting well. But it’s about finding ways for us to meet – the client who needs my help and the therapist who needs clients, so they can both thrive in the world.
To pat myself on the back, I have done a lot of the things in the lessons already – I did a lot of planning before I went full time. There is more I can do to get my name out there and I am working furiously to do it. So much of it is about technology – just getting search engines to find your website. Researching what people type into a search engine and then matching those words and phrases into the fabric of my website – the part you don’t see, The Code. Dammit, Jim, I’m a therapist not a computer programmer! Ok maybe I am a little now? If you understand that above reference, then you know that I AM a Star Trek fan.  I’m not too old to learn a few things.
So when you, a potential client, looks for someone to pour your soul out to, you type in a search – counselor in Denver area – or something to that effect. A lot of calls and referrals come through Psychology Today and I am grateful for that. This week I actually Googled “PTSD counselor in Commerce City, CO” and my website popped right up. It was a happy moment for me. Once you find your list – how do you know that therapist is going to be right for you? Recently I am getting more Medicaid clients, and I am among very few in my area who accepts it as payment. Right away that puts me on the top of the list of people to call. But I want clients to want to work with me, not just because I take their insurance. I want to have a site that says “I’m your person! I get you, I can really help you, and you’re going to really like working with me because I’m the shiz-net.”
I also chose to be on the Medicaid panels because I see kids in foster care, and all too often families on Medicaid are referred to the county clinics, which are often staffed with new graduates, interns, who are less experienced and over worked. I know because I have been there. I can’t be the best therapist I can be by being overworked, underpaid and having to deal with issues that are harder than I can handle (if I were there ;D). There should be equal access to quality services. Or so I believe. I want these clients to find me so I needed to make it easy to find me. So that’s why you would pick me, or why you would pick someone else. You found a therapist who “speaks” to you through all this media noise. Only I have tried to cut out the noise.

Give me a call and interview me. Then interview someone else. Interview a third person? Why not? This is your healing and your future we are talking about. 

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